Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's A Good Time To Be A Frog

It only seems appropriate that we would re-open for the season during National Frog Month. We also love the fact that the very first "frog-related craft or activity" that's mentioned on the eHow website to get people in the spirit of Frog Month is to "make a frog pond to attract frogs to your backyard."

Sitting here at the end of TWG's first day for 2010 - just lazily listening to the heart-lifting, high-pitched chorus of the peepers that have chosen to hang out in the natural wetlands on our property (and that are located waaaaay out back, far from the commotion of the shop) - I can't help but think that it's a really good time to be a frog. As goes the water-gardening world, so potentially goes the way of the frog, right??? Knowing how dedicated our TWG pond pals are and how the popularity of water gardening continues to grow, I truly do believe that the frog community is 'safe' from a major population decline, at least for a little while longer.

We also like to think that, somehow, the blood, sweat, and tears that we've poured into making TWG what it is today, has somewhat benefited the planet, if only in a teeny tiny way. Maybe we're just dreamers though. Oh well - it's a nice thought. One that really does help us get through each busy pond season.

And here's to yet another great year - chatting with fellow pond lovers and enjoying the company and appreciating the never-ending hard work of our employees - all of whom we really do consider family and friends. We sincerely hope that this pond season provides you with many opportunities to just kick back, relax, and revel in the sound of the frogs that have chosen your life-providing pond as their heavenly habitat.

Yep - it's a good time to be a frog. It's an even better time to be in love with water gardening.